Highparks Medical Practice




Highparks Medical Practice is a semi-rural GP practice located on what is locally known as the Hoo Peninsula near Rochester in Kent.

The practice is made up of five GP partners, salaried GPs and other health professionals including nurses, paramedics, Physician Associates, Pharmacists and First Contact Physiotherapists. There is also a team of receptionists, administrators and managers who help coordinate care from our main site at Cliffe Woods and our further three branch sites at Higham, Wainscott and Cliffe.

Photo of Highparks Medical Practice

The practice provides the normal general medical services (GMS) including urgent and routine appointments. It also provides long term condition monitoring, NHS health checks, as well as some non-NHS commissioned work including medical reports and travel vaccinations. We also have a non-NHS contract with Medway Community Health to provide medical support to three wards in Gillingham who look after patients who need rehabilitation after leaving hospitals before going home as well as a community stroke unit.  

The practice is pleased to be part of the network of practices across the country that provide education and training to the future NHS workforce including GP Trainees, Medical Students, Nurses, and Paramedics. Training provides that practice and its patients with many benefits including additional clinical consultations and access to future employment opportunities. Three of the five GP partners and a number of the salaried GPs were trainees who were supported by the practice. 

As the largest of the three GP practices within our Primary Care Network, Highparks Medical Practice supplies a Clinical Director, a Manager and HR employment services to the PCN. In doing so, the practice is actively involved in the PCN. We are extremely pleased with the benefits the PCN provides for our patients in terms of extra clinical staffing and health improvement projects that we can tailor to the specific needs of our local patients.

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